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Grants Process

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Individual Application

Applications for the Winter Season has closed. Please stay tuned for Spring Season opening in March. 

We help youth ages 3-18 in the Jackson County area who are seeking help with a sport or outdoor activity. We help individuals with items such as equipment or registration fees. 


Please complete the form from the link above and we will send you to next steps and application information.

Applications for the Winter Season has closed. Please stay tuned for Spring Season opening in March. 

Team Application

We help Jackson County youth sports teams who are in need of help such as equipment or travel expenses.

Please complete the form from the link above and we will send you to next steps and application information.


Looking for a bigger project?  Connect with us,


Emergency Application

Beyond the Fence emergency grant is available for teams who are in need of emergency financial assistance. This grant is available as a one-time only and amounts awarded vary.


Emergency financial assistance includes, but is not limited to, equipment, registration, travel, repairs and staffing support.


Emergencies are seen as an area where a team needs support as there is an unexpected combination of circumstances that have occurred that has impacted the team's ability to play and calls for immediate action.

If your team or a team you know needs this service, email

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